
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Week 8 (Reflection) 3 April 2013

       This week we were being exposed with the DDC number building. The fraction of the potential DDC numbers are included in the schedules and it is necessary to build a number that is not specifically listed in the schedule. The four sources of notation for building numbers are as follow:
        (a) Table 1 Standard Subdivisions;
        (b) Tables 2-6;
        (c) Other parts of the schedules; and
        (d) add tables in the schedules.

      Table 1: Standard subdivisions.
       *  -01 Philosophy and theory
       *  -02 Compends / Miscellany
       *  -03 Dictionaries / Encyclopedia
       *  -04 Essays
       *  -05 Periodicals
       *  -06 Societies
       *  -07 Study and teaching
       *  -08 Polygraphy, collections
       *  -09 History

      Table 2: Geographic areas, Historical periods, Persons.
       *  -1 Areas, regions, places in general: ocean and seas,
       *  -2 Persons
       *  -3 Ancient World
       *  -4 Europe
       *  -5 Asia
       *  -6 Africa
       *  -7 North America
       *  -8 South America
       *  -9 Australia, Pacific, polar regions

      Table 3: Ethnic and language
       *  -1 North Americans or USA English or Indo-European
       *  -2 British or English
       *  -3 Germanic
       *  -4 French
       *  -5 Italian
       *  -6 Spanish and Portuguese
       *  -7 Ancient Roman or Slavic
       *  -8 Greek or Scandinavian
       *  -9 Others

       Table 3: Form divisions
       *  -1 Poetry
       *  -2 Drama
       *  -3 Fiction
       *  -4 Essays
       *  -5 Speeches
       *  -6 Letters
       *  -7 Humor
       *  -8 Miscellany

       Table 4: Language divisions
       *  - 1 Writing
       *  - 2 Etymology
       *  - 3 Dictionaries
       *  - 5 Grammar
       *  - 6 Prosody
       *  - 7 Nonstandard forms of the language
       *  - 8 Usage

       Table 5: Ethnic and National Groups
       *  -05 Persons of mixed ancestry with ethnic origins from more than one continent  
       *  -09 Europeans and people of European descent
       *  -1 North Americans
       *  -2 British, English, Anglo-Saxons
       *  -3 Germanic peoples
       *  -4 Modern Latin peoples

       Table 6: Languages
       *  -1 Indo-European languages
       *  -2 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
       *  -3 Germanic languages
       *  -4 Romance languages

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