
Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Week 15 (Reflection) 22 May 2013

          Today is our last lesson where we get to learn about form, query, report and relationship.
The form will help us save a lot of time when entering data into the table. Below are the step in producing Form:

     (a) Select the table you want to use as a form.
     (b) Choose Create - Forms - Form
     (c) Sort Field in the desired order by dragging to a specific part.
     (d) Column size can be changed at will.
     (e) Assign a name to the Form and Save.

          Query displays the results of collection of raw data before we generate the report. Below are the step in producing Query:
     (a) Choose Create - Query Wizard
     (b) Then select Simple Query Wizard - ok
     (c) Select fields that are involved in queries such as Title, Author, Publisher, Year Published,

           etc. to be displayed in the Query. Field also choose from different Table.
     (d) Click Next. Name Query created. Click Finish.
     (e) Query finished created for reference.
          The report is to display the database reports that had been produced. Below are the step in creating Report:

     (a) Select Table to be used in the Report. Choose Create - Report.
     (b) Report can be formatted according to the requirements.

Week 14 (Reflection) 15 May 2013

          Today we get to learn about the data management. Data management enable us to have a systemeatic, no duplication and easy to be access. A database management system is a program could enable computer users create and access data in the database.

DBMS   DBMS = database management system (database software) is a software system designed to allow the definition, creation, querying, update, and administration of databases.

a) advantages of DBMS
1) Warehouse of Information
2) Defining Attributes
3) Systematic Storage
4) Changes to Schema
5) No language dependence
6) Table Joins
7) Multiple Simultaneous Usage
8) Data Security
9) Privileges
10) Abstract View of Data and Easy Retrieval
11) Data Consistency

Designing Databases
The three principal logical databases models are Hierarchical, network and relational.

Hierarchical data model

Network Data Model

Relational data model